Informations > Venue

The symposium will be held in Grenoble, a city located in the French Alps. Grenoble is an agglomeration of 400,000 inhabitants and offers sufficient international hotel capacity to host the event.

Information about the town and its surroundings:


  grenoble_oeufs   grenoble_nocturne

  tour_Perret   bastille_hivers


The conference will be held in Maison MINATEC, close to the railway station, which:

  • offers a main amphitheater that can host all the participants plus smaller rooms for parallel sessions
  • is located near ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility – and ILL (Institut Laue-Langevin – – you will have the opportunity to visit these centers while you are in Grenoble
  • is located in the city center, close to hotels and restaurants



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