
5th International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro

IS-Grenoble 2024 will be the fifth quadrennial international symposium organized under the auspices of Technical Committee 105 (Geomechanics from Micro to Macro) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).

The preceding symposia were held at Yamaguchi University, Japan in 2006, Tongji University, China in 2010, Cambridge University, England in 2014, and Georgia Tech, USA in 2018.

As with these previous events, this symposium seeks to advance the objectives of TC 105 to:

  • promote cooperation and exchange of information about the behavior of soil grains and granular interactions;
  • promote improved modeling of soil aggregates;
  • encourage a micro-structural understanding of significant macroscopic behavior;
  • facilitate discussion on the use of micro-structural measurements to enhance soil characterization procedures;
  • clarify the selection and use of continuum parameters in geotechnical engineering practice.


IS-Grenoble 2024 will take place under the patronage of ALERT-Geomaterials, the European association for Education, Research and Technology in Geomechanics.

Please note that this year the annual ALERT event, including a workshop and a doctoral school, will take place the week immediately after IS-Grenoble. The ALERT event will take place in Aussois, a small village in the French Alps, only a couple of hours by train/car/bus from Grenoble.

This is a wonderful opportunity for those of you who come from abroad to attend both events with only one trip to France. Should you be interested, please get in touch with us and we’ll provide you with further details.




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Alert Geomaterials


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